
Quaik chong yu
Quaik chong yu

quaik chong yu

Chen, B Kang, W Sun, J Zhu, R Yu, Y Xia, A Yu, M Wang, M Han, J Chen, Y Teng, L Tian, Q Yu, Y Li, G You, L Liu, Z Dai, Z, Programmable living assembly of materials by bacterial adhesion., Nature Chemical Biology, vol 18 no.Wu, F Ha, Y Weiss, A Wang, M Letourneau, J Wang, S Luo, N Huang, S Lee, CT David, LA You, L, Modulation of microbial community dynamics by spatial partitioning., Nat Chem Biol, vol 18 no.Yao, Y Maddamsetti, R Weiss, A Ha, Y Wang, T Wang, S You, L, Intra- and interpopulation transposition of mobile genetic elements driven by antibiotic selection., Nature Ecology and Evolution, vol 6 no.Jin, G Hong, S Rich, J Xia, J Kim, K You, L Zhao, C Huang, TJ, Intelligent nanoscope for rapid nanomaterial identification and classification., Lab on a Chip (2022).Lu, J Şimşek, E Silver, A You, L, Advances and challenges in programming pattern formation using living cells., Current Opinion in Chemical Biology, vol 68 (2022).

quaik chong yu

  • Growing Bacteria Keep Time, Know Their Place (Oct 8, 2013).
  • Chinese-Americans protest Kimmel skit in front of ABC station in downtown Raleigh (| The News & Observer).
  • Dispersal Patterns Key to Invasive Species' Success (| Pratt School of Engineering).
  • Lingchong You comments: Paper test can detect Ebola strains (| BBC News).
  • How Dividing Cells End Up the Same Size (| Pratt School of Engineering).
  • Engineered Swarmbots Rely on Peers for Survival (| Pratt School of Engineering).
  • Biologists turn bacteria into 'swarmbots' (| Gizmodo).
  • Antibiotics Don't Promote Swapping of Resistance Genes (| Pratt School of Engineering).
  • Time Cues Help Keep Humans Looking Human (| Pratt School of Engineering).
  • Lingchong You: Tales of the genetically altered, superhero bacteria swarmbot (| WFDD-Winston-Salem’s “SciWorks Radio”).
  • Where Are All the Germs? Students Explore Duke's Microbiome (| Center for Genomic and Computational Biology).
  • New Tool Tells Bioengineers When to Build Microbial Teams (| Pratt School of Engineering).
  • Distinguishing Resistance from Resilience to Prolong Antibiotic Potency (| Pratt School of Engineering).
  • Machine Learning Is Providing New Insights When the Biology Is Too Complex for Traditional Research (| Pratt School of Engineering).
  • Study Shows Some Bacteria Are Better Able to Share Resistance With Peers Than We Thought (| Pratt School of Engineering).
  • The Surprising Structural Reason Your Kitchen Sponge is Disgusting (| Pratt School of Engineering).
  • Tiny Jumping Genes Fingered as Culprit in Rise of Antibiotic Resistance (| Pratt School of Engineering).
  • University Awards 24 New Distinguished Professorships (May 18, 2022).
  • quaik chong yu

    EGR 393: Research Projects in Engineering.CBB 574: Modeling and Engineering Gene Circuits (GE, MC).BME 574: Modeling and Engineering Gene Circuits (GE, MC).BME 494: Projects in Biomedical Engineering (GE).BIOLOGY 293-1: Research Independent Study.Fellowships for Science and Engineering.Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program.Quantitative biology, synthetic biology, machine learning, antibiotic resistance, microbiome Awards, Honors, and Distinctions Chengdu University of Science and Technology (China), 1994 University of Science and Technology of China (China), 1997 Office Location: 1381 CIEMAS, 101 Science Drive, Durham, NC 27708.Professor in Molecular Genetics and Microbiology.Associate Professor in Molecular Genetics and Microbiology.Meriam Distinguished Professor of Biomedical Engineering The You lab uses a combination of mathematical modeling, machine learning, and quantitative experiments to elucidate principles underlying the dynamics of microbial communities in time and space and to control these dynamics for applications in computation, engineering, and medicine.

    Quaik chong yu