
Nvalt change file name without breaking links
Nvalt change file name without breaking links

nvalt change file name without breaking links

Alfred input window with prepared File Filter to look for notes. It’s easy to memorize because it looks like the beginning of wiki-style link preceded by a slash, which usually means command in some other software. To activate the workflow, type following keys sequence: \[[. Moreover, during working with notes, it’s more natural to write directly in the editor, so the snippet looks like the best option here. I use the snippet instead of keyword or hotkey to be able to pass configuration to File Filter and to avoid remembering the next hotkey. The view of whole Alfred workflow for Note Reference Search. You can set your directory for notes, so Alfred will limit the results. I created an Alfred workflow to simulate autocompletion of the note reference. Alfred workflow to find and insert reference to note Without a dedicated feature, you need to change the context of your work, find the proper note, copy the ID and finally insert it into the original note. The biggest problem is to find the ID of the note I want to refer to. Here’s an example: Example note with reference to another note visible in FSNotes app. So to create a reference from one note to another one, I put the id of the referred memo in double-square brackets somewhere in the text of the first one.

Thanks to it, I can create a reference using either full name or only ID – whatever is more convenient at the moment.

nvalt change file name without breaking links

I put a unique DateTime marker as an ID to the name of my note. The reference itself is related to your naming convention. Regardless of how old-school this method is, it’s resistant to time and doesn’t lock you in the specific service or note-taking software.

Most software, like nvALT, FSNotes or The Archive can parse this tag to create a link to the referenced note. The most common practice, in this case, is to use a wiki-style syntax to link from one note to another one. Notes should be long-lasting – that’s why I use plaintext to take them. For sure, sooner or later, you’ll need a way to create connections between notes. We can put the reference to different note when we feel, that the particular piece of information is related to another one. Like neurons in our brains, they are more powerful if they contain connections to other notes. It’s one of the most useful application on my computer. I mentioned Alfred before in my article about running notes.

In this article, I’ll show you how to create Alfred workflow that automates the process of finding and inserting a reference to other notes.įirst of all, you need to have macOS and app called Alfred. Some software has a built-in feature to handle it, but when it comes to plaintext notes, the implementation depends on the user. However, it requires extra effort during writing: you have to find a proper note, copy the reference and paste it to the original memo. Create connections between notes is the essential part of the whole note-taking process, and for sure, it leads to discovering outstanding ideas in the future.

Nvalt change file name without breaking links