In some definition or another, Iwamine is always telling the truth, though it may not be the whole truth. It gives him a joy that no other things possibly can. He loves being able to examine people’s insides, finding out how they work, etc. Though he aligns himself with the Hawk Party, he is only interested in killing humans for his own reasons, and rather enjoys the freedom to experiment that they give him. Iwamine is not a particularly “moral” individual. His knowledge on human anatomy is not quite as good, though, since he hasn’t gotten as much of a chance to examine a human’s insides. He’s has an uncanny knowledge of bird anatomy, as a result of the many dissections he has done. He can also manifest a pair of wings in human form so that he may fly.

He is capable of switching between bird and human forms whenever he wants. He is quite fond of using a rather large cleaver when it comes to a fight, but he’s partial to poisoned scalpels as well. In both forms, though it’s rather hard to notice, he’s actually much weaker on his right side than his left, as a result of an accident from when he was younger. Pigeonations, which consists of a tan sweater vest over a navy dress shirt, navy dress pants, a striped tie and black shoes. He also wears the standard faculty uniform for St. He wears a pair of red rimmed glasses, since his eyesight isn’t all that good. He has long brown hair, which he ties back into a ponytail with a purple bow, and purple eyes. In human form, he’s a quite tall, rather slim man. He often wears a labcoat and tie while in this form. In bird form, Iwamine is a Chukar partridge.

Age: Unknown, but was an adult as of 8 years ago and is a doctor, so it can be assumed that he is in his 30s.